Why this page exists.
If we’re collaborating or even considering it, I want you to know something real about me. I want you to know something about how I think. Something about what gets me inspired, where I seek strength from. About what of me will somehow be present in the work I do.
I can’t and don’t even want to verbalize how you can see me on the sites I develop. But I admit, that’s the way it is. I want you to know even a tiny part of the person you’re working with. And I hope you like it.
That’s why this page exists.
Music has always been close to my heart. I started playing the clarinet and piano when I was about 7yo (and continued for about 11 years in music school or whatever musiikkiopisto is called). And before that, music was present in my family and life too. My mom and grandma both taught playing the piano. Dad never brought out much musicality, but later on I learned that he has been a Queen fan and my grandmother tried to teach him to play the piano as well. When I cycled to elementary school, I liked to sing or whistle my own tunes or songs. After school, I went to clarinet or piano class, sometimes music theory class or wind orchestra.
In secondary school, I listened to rap. Even tho sometimes I listened to other genres too, rock, pop, indie, sometimes classical music. The same stuff continued in high school, although the weight shifted closer to indie. In high school I made my own rap album and did one live gig for an audience of maybe 100 people. Now I can admit that I performed the first and last songs as playback, I was way too nervous. The album was dedicated to my friends.
These days I take short breaks from work when I listen to music and walk the streets of Punavuori. Music helps me focus, relax, come up with creative solutions, it helps me cope. Sometimes I try to code to the beat of the music if the headphones are left on my ears after a meeting, but it’s too hard and usually ineffective.
I play guitar and sing, one of my dreams is to make a studio-quality song done someday and upload it to YouTube atleast. We could make a cool music video with some friends. I usually don’t like to sing anything well known, then you can hear more easily if it is sang wrong.
At the moment I live in Helsinki, but I come from Lapua, a quite small town in Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland. Throughout my youth in Lapua, nature has been somehow close in my everyday life. My parents’ summer cottage is located about 55km from my childhood home. I spent many summer weekends of my childhood and youth with them there, on the shore of a small lake surrounded by forest. When me and my friends reached driving license age, we drove around and used to search for lean-tos, lakes, ponds, for something where nature was close. I like the “heat of the city” but except for family and friends in Southern Ostrobothnia, I miss nature the most, now that I compare city life to my previous life in Lapua or its surroundings.
Nature means a lot to me. It calms, inspires and attracts.
I will remember probably forever when as a kid in evenings I watched Stargate SG-1 series with my big brother. I haven’t watched the series much since those times (update when writing this text in English, now I’ve watched it again and it’s brilliant :D), but in my mind that series is still one of the best. Back in high school, I thought I was going to become a film director or a screenwriter. My favorite movie was 2001: A Space Odyssey, although I couldn’t fully appreciate all of it. In high school, I often watched series and movies late into the night.
When I watch a really good TV series or a movie, it might be a quite regularly in my mind for years. I don’t know if I’ll ever change my opinion that The Leftovers is the best TV series in the history and future of the humankind, maybe not.
Movies and TV shows aren’t just spending free time for me. I get inspired by them, I get strength from them. I could say they are my hobby, but often that too would seem an understatement. However, I don’t spend a very large portion of my free time watching series/movies.
Good text sparks the imagination or teaches something. Good text grabs you and keeps you hooked. Good text inspires, gives comfort and gets you to identify with characters. I’m not a very distinguished reader, but I enjoy it very much. When I think of the books I’ve read, I remember those times and moments when I read them. They seem to have instilled certain emotions and moments in my mind. For some reason I remember best the feelings when I read The Minds of Billy Milligan and I can remember the whole book quite clearly even tho it’s been several years since I read it.
I would like to be a better writer. I have written or attempted to write some short stories, screenplays for short films, the story of my puzzle-genre video game (the game itself won’t be ready ever I think), the lyrics of songs etc. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes a word is worth a thousand pictures. The text “How are you?” on my phone notifications can in the right moment evoke more feelings than any movie I’ve seen or songs I’ve heard. Text is something powerful.
Everybody has a lot of thoughts and so do I. I’m not often the most talkative person, and I don’t easily open my own thoughts, but I like to think that I’m quite thoughtful. I think I never do anything meaningful without thinking about it first. No job is just a job, no conversation is just a conversation, they are objects of thought where I manifest myself. I would like to learn to open myself more and ask better. I would like to bring out and use the creativity I feel within me better.
All of the above is a somewhat unedited stream of thought (translated from Finnish tho). The whole page and its content may not matter, maybe everything on this page matters.
However, I hope you got some kind of impression of me.